Volunteer With Us!
Become an Education for Life Volunteer
At Education for Life, we are blessed to have many volunteers who are committed to giving of their time and energy on a regular basis because of their passion for this mission. We have many different volunteer opportunities, check them out below to see if any sound like a great fit for your skills and passions! We welcome volunteers who align with our mission, vision, and core values.
Read below to learn how you can make a difference today. When you’re ready to start serving, simply fill out our volunteer application below.
Client Care: There are client care opportunities in each of our outreaches (prevention, intervention, and ongoing care). The client services team focuses on empowering women and men to make healthy and informed decisions and assist in the ongoing care and support needed.
Client Advocate: Build relationships with patients, provide information, and support with the love of Christ.
Medical Volunteer – RN, RDMS, MA, PA, MD: Complete medical intake, perform tests and scans, give results, and provide medical education.
Small-Group Facilitator (Parenting Program or Post-Abortion Support): Lead group class or 1:1 session for Parenting Program or Post Abortion Support.
Prevention (Worth the Fight) Team Member: Be a part of the team to equip families, parents, and teens.
Data Entry: Assist client care services with data entry.
Interested in Client Care opportunities? Fill out our application and read through our foundational statements below! Email your completed application to us info@educationforlife.org or print and drop it off at our office: 1701 E Silver Springs Blvd., Ocala, FL, 34470. Then, a member of our team will be in contact!
Prior to completing this application, please read through our foundational statements. By submitting this application, you agree that you have read and understood these values and beliefs and are in full agreement.
Events, Marketing, and Administration: We offer various special events, marketing, and admin volunteer roles. Some are listed below, and if you are skilled in these areas, simply fill out the application and let us know how you would like to assist! Time commitments vary.
Special Events Volunteers: Serve on a committee to assist with planning and executing any of our fundraising events.
Annual Fundraising Gala
Walk for Life
The Worth the Fight Event
Photographers: Provide photoshoots for clients and their babies, or provide event photography.
Administration: Assist with various administration needs.
Maintenance and More:
Building Maintenance: Volunteer to assist with handyman projects needed at our facility.
Service Projects: Organize your church team or small group for a work project. We want to steward well the gift of this beautiful building the Lord has given us. If you are interested in special projects for your church, simply email Val at val@educationforlife.org.
To get involved:
If you are interested in any Client Care opportunities (as listed first), please fill out our online application HERE!
Or, if you are interested in Events, Marketing, Administration, and Maintenance opportunities ONLY, please fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in contact.
Events, Marketing, Admin, & Maintenance Interest Form:
For more information on all of our volunteer opportunities, please email Val at val@educationforlife.org or call 352-351-1294.
Interested in employment opportunities? Click here to find out more!