Post Abortion Support

Have you experienced an abortion?

You are not alone. One in four women of child-bearing age has had an abortion. Perhaps you saw abortion as the solution to your unplanned pregnancy, yet instead of relief, you are experiencing the opposite.


Possible Post-Abortion Symptoms

  • Guilt, Regret, or Shame

  • Depression

  • Nightmares or Flashbacks

  • Anger & Rage

  • Self-destructive behaviors (drug or alcohol abuse, eating disorders)

  • Separation from others

  • Suicidal thoughts


There is hope for healing and peace.

Education for Life offers a confidential small group or one-on-one study. Although, it is a faith based course your beliefs do not have to align with ours in order to attend. Through a caring, non-judgmental atmosphere women find healing and forgiveness as they relate to others who may share many of the same feelings.


Why should I consider post-abortion support?

Most women who have experienced abortion rarely have someone to talk with. They are relieved to find others with whom they can openly share their thoughts and feelings. Together they are able to find forgiveness and healing through a meaningful experience.

Join Now

To get involved with post-abortion support, simply fill out the form below, and a member of our team will reach out to you soon! All inquiries are kept confidential.

“I didn’t realize how hardened my heart had become. I now have love, joy, and peace in my life that I thought I had lost forever.”
